Sox's story

Hi Kris and family, I just wanted to write and say hi and let you know how Sox is going.

She's settled into the household here amazingly well, in fact it took her all of about 5 minutes to seem quite at home. She cried on the way over for a little while, then more or less slept the whole way.

We've had a great first week together. Sometimes I really feel like the luckiest person in the world, she is such a wonderful cat, I thought it was just adorable that she fell asleep on my shoulder on the first night here. I've attached a few photos of her settling in to the house. One thing she's really taken to is climbing inside my jacket and just sleeping there for up to a couple of hours. Last night I did the washing, folding, vacuuming, dishes and heated up and ate dinner with Sox purring at my chest! In fact she is half hanging out of my jacket and sound asleep right now :)

quite the 'cuddle monster' as my housemate calls her.

She's been a little bit naughty and tends to keep me up all night, but I'm trying to bring her back to a schedule of sleeping at night time. She's otherwise been great though, very well behaved and very friendly.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for everything you did to bring Sox and me together

it's an amazing job that you do. Sox was so lucky to have been rescued and taken in by your family, and I feel so lucky to have been chosen to give her a home. I know you all had a particular fondness towards her, so I'm happy to update you in future if ever you want to know how she's going. You'll hear from me soon enough anyway when I call to book her in for desexing.

Anyway, thanks again, and I hope you enjoy the photos of her.

Sox was adopted on 30/5/2010 after 3 weeks in foster care.

Sox was adopted on 13 June 2010 after 3 weeks in foster care

See Sox’s profile »

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Animals in our Care

These animals have been rescued from various pounds and shelters by volunteer Foster Carers who provide the animal with a safe haven until they can be permanently rehomed. They are located throughout Sydney, Australia.

Please note that descriptions of breed, age and size are given in good faith and are based on assessment of the animal's features, together with veterinary opinion. We cannot guarantee the age and breed of any animal listed.

Added: 26 June 2024